Planning Your Legacy
Your desire to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy helps strengthen Lawrence's mission. Consider making an impact for students and faculty through a planned gift. These types of charitable arrangements may provide tax and other benefits to you while supporting Lawrence.
Our MissionEnsuring A Place They Love — Bequest

Janet Sygnator Peters ’72 and Michael J. Peters
We are including Lawrence in our estate plans because we want to help ensure that Lawrence students have the best learning opportunities available on campus and at Bjӧrklunden.
Lawrence helped Janet '72 form her art education career and develop critical thinking skills important in today's challenging world. Mike married into Lawrence and shares the enthusiasm of giving back to an institution and place they love.
In our estate plans we have developed specific bequests to Lawrence that revolve around our interests and passions. We "customized" our giving back which makes it all the more special.
Please consider joining Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle by "giving back" to Lawrence as a thank you for what Lawrence has done for you. Be The Light!
Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle
The Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle recognizes alumni, parents and friends who remember Lawrence through a planned gift. We are grateful to the more than 1,090 members of Legacy Circle.