Planning Your Legacy
Your desire to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy helps strengthen Lawrence's mission. Consider making an impact for students and faculty through a planned gift. These types of charitable arrangements may provide tax and other benefits to you while supporting Lawrence.
Our MissionChallenged and Empowered — Bequest

Lara (Weber) McLellan '99
Ian McLellan '98 and I are so grateful for the educational opportunities we received at Lawrence. From shared experiences like Freshman Studies to individual learning moments with our advisors, we were challenged and empowered to ask questions and own our educational experience. For me, it was participating in one of the robust study abroad programs Lawrence offered. The term I spent in Besançon, France was truly life-changing-connecting me to people and places that I continue to cherish and nurture 25 years later.
It's one of many reasons why Ian and I joined the Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle. We're committed to giving back to the institution that was so instrumental in our lives—so it can continue to provide life-changing opportunities for the students of tomorrow. I ask you to consider doing the same. Become part of the Legacy Circle and help create new opportunities for future generations.
Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle
The Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle recognizes alumni, parents and friends who remember Lawrence through a planned gift. We are grateful to the more than 1,090 members of Legacy Circle.