Planning Your Legacy
Your desire to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy helps strengthen Lawrence's mission. Consider making an impact for students and faculty through a planned gift. These types of charitable arrangements may provide tax and other benefits to you while supporting Lawrence.
Our MissionAn Amazing Network and Community Retirement Assets Beneficiary

Andrew Wong '06
My four years at Lawrence as a student represented one of the most meaningful times of my life. As a proud alum, it has continued to offer an amazing network and community that is full of support. I want to pay it forward for future students, staff, faculty, and university leaders so that they can experience what I did while I was on campus. Anything I can do to make sure that opportunity is transferred to the next generation, I am more than happy to do. I decided to join the Legacy Circle and include the college in my estate plans in order to ensure that, no matter what happens, the future is bright with "light, more light" for future Lawrentians.
Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle
The Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle recognizes alumni, parents and friends who remember Lawrence through a planned gift. We are grateful to the more than 1,090 members of Legacy Circle.