Planning Your Legacy
Your desire to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy helps strengthen Lawrence's mission. Consider making an impact for students and faculty through a planned gift. These types of charitable arrangements may provide tax and other benefits to you while supporting Lawrence.
Our MissionKeeping Lawrence Strong Retirement Assets Beneficiary

Mohit Gupta '11
I'm grateful for my liberal arts education and believe it has been instrumental to the success I've had so far on my career path. This is the reason why I've decided to include a gift for Lawrence in my retirement planning and join Legacy Circle. Legacy Circle is a great way to give back to Lawrence and create your own personal legacy that will help ensure that Lawrence remains a strong and vibrant liberal arts college for future generations. Simply list Lawrence as a beneficiary in your retirement plan, trust, will, or insurance policy to join Legacy Circle. I hope you, too, will find your own reason "why" it is important to support Lawrence.
Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle
The Lawrence-Downer Legacy Circle recognizes alumni, parents and friends who remember Lawrence through a planned gift. We are grateful to the more than 1,090 members of Legacy Circle.